Multiple Choce Questions based on science

Science MCQs - Practice these questions and improve your knowledge

Q 1. A primary fuel is that which is used in the same form as it occurs in nature, Which of the following is not a primary fuel?
a) Kerosene b) Coal c) Natural Gas d) Wood
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Q 2. After the first photons of light are produced, which process is responsible for amplification of the light?
a) Einstein oscillation b) Stimulated emission c) Blackbody radiation d) Planck's radiation
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Q 3. Which of these has the highest calorific value?
a) Wood b) Rubber c) Coal d) Hydrogen
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Q 4. Breaking of a larger hydrocarbon molecule into a smaller one by heating in the presence of a catalyst is called ___.
a) Centrifugation b) Cracking c) Orthofugation d) Thermogenation
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Q 5. What is the main constituent of coal gas?
a) Oxygen b) Water c) Nitrogen d) Methane
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Q 6. What is the process responsible for producing photons in a diode laser?
a) Electron-hole recombination b) Majority carrier injection c) Carrier freeze out d) Fermi level shift
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Q 7. Some lasers are referred to as being 'cw', What does 'cw' mean?
a) Constant white b) Clear white c) Circular wave d) Continuous wave
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Q 8. Heating fuels in the absence of air is called 'Destructive Distillation', as it 'destroys' it to form simpler substances, What do we get when we do the same to wood?
a) All of these b) Tar c) Charcoal d) Acetic Acid
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Q 9. 'Antifreeze' is used in car radiators to stop the liquid that cools the engine from, well, freezing when it gets cold outside, Water is one component of antifreeze; what is the other main component?
a) Sodium chloride b) Benzene c) Ethylene glycol d) Acetone
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Q 10. What was the active medium used in the first working laser ever constructed?
a) Carbon dioxide gas b) Helium-neon gas c) A diamond block d) A ruby rod
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